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Sandy Grade School

Children Thrive Here

Parent/Student Handbook

Sandy Grade School Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025

Sandy Grade School Bobcat

Parent and Student Handbook 2024-2025 


Sandy Grade School

38955 Pleasant Street

Sandy, OR 97055 



Connect with SGS at:

Facebook: Sandy Grade Bobcats


Welcome Letter

August 2024

Dear Sandy Grade Families, 

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to a new school year at Sandy Grade School. 

The Sandy Grade staff and I would like to encourage you to take the time to review the contents of this Parent / Student handbook with your children. It is very important for everyone to understand expectations and processes as the school year begins. Our teachers will also be reviewing policies and procedures with their classes. 

If you have any questions about the content or would like to make a suggestion, please contact me. Our goal is to have a safe and efficient school that effectively communicates with parents and provides success for each child. Your input is always welcome for consideration. 

On behalf of the Sandy Grade staff, I wish you and your child a wonderful school year. 


Cassiday Hopkins


Sandy Grade School 


Sandy Grade School Mission: “To seek to provide a safe environment that encourages students of all backgrounds to be creative thinkers who are excited about learning and about becoming productive citizens. In addition, we seek to graduate students who will be lifelong, enthusiastic writers who enjoy writing. They will connect writing with everyday experiences and successfully use writing as a purposeful communication tool throughout life.” 

Sandy Grade School Vision: Grow ALL Students through Academics, Attitude, and Attendance!


Parent and Student Handbook

  • The material covered within this handbook is intended as a method of communicating to students and parents regarding general district information, rules and procedures and is not intended to either enlarge or diminish any Board policy, administrative regulation or negotiated agreement. Material contained herein may therefore be superseded by such Board policy, administrative regulation or negotiated agreement. 

    Any information contained in this handbook is subject to unilateral revision or elimination from time to time without notice.


  • School districts are required to provide parents and students 18 years of age, with a written notification of their rights according to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) are incorporated into the Oregon Trail School Board policies. 


    FERPA is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student’s education records. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their child’s educational records. FERPA also requires school districts to disclose directory information contained in student records which is not generally considered harmful if released to outside organizations. 


    If you have questions, please contact the school district office at 503-668-5541 or your student’s principal. These documents and resource links are available on the school district website at


  • Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8:45am, Monday through Friday. Dismissal is at 3:55pm daily. Supervision is not provided before or after school hours. 

    School begins at 9:05am, Monday through Friday. Please plan on having your child here at 8:45am in order to ensure they are in class on time. If you plan on having your child eat FREE breakfast at school, please plan accordingly for this will require an earlier arrival time. Breakfast is served from 8:45 am until 9:05 am in the Cafeteria.

  • School is released at 2:55pm on Wednesdays to allow for teacher collaboration and professional development. Please check your calendars and call the office if you have questions.

  • A school newsletter is electronically sent out every weekend. It is sent via ParentSquare, and posted to the website. The newsletter contains a variety of school news and important announcements. We encourage you to read this to keep abreast of the happenings at Sandy Grade.

  • Want to stay up to date on what is occurring at Sandy Grade? Find us on Facebook at Sandy Grade Bobcats.

  • Our Sandy Grade website is a wealth of information about our school’s students and staff and activities. In an increasing effort to save money and paper, our newsletter is posted each month, and our calendar is updated regularly with school events. Teacher email addresses can be found here as well. Please check us out on the web at: 

    You can get current and timely information on school closures, schedule changes, emergency situations and important announcements by subscribing to our website. Go online to and enter your email address into the text bar on the lower left-hand side of the website.


  • It is extremely important that the office be notified immediately of any telephone or address changes. Our ability to contact parents or guardians in the case of an emergency depends on the accuracy of this information.

  • All children need to be signed out and released from the school office. If signing out your child early, please go directly to the office. At this time, our office staff will call your child out of the classroom to be checked out. 


    Students riding buses other than their usual bus, or getting off at a stop other than their regular stop, must have a bus pass from the office. 


    Bus passes or passes issued for a change in a student’s regular end of day plans, will be issued only after the office receives a written note or phone call from their parent or guardian. *PLEASE NOTE: we require a written note or phone call for your child’s safety. 


    IN AN EMERGENCY, passes will be issued upon request of the parent or guardian via telephone. The principal or office secretaries are the only person authorized to verify the identity of a caller and issue a pass. Please make sure the office is notified of any changes to after school plans prior to 3:00pm. All bus notes are sent to students at 3:00pm and it is extremely difficult and confusing for staff and students if changes are occurring beyond this time. On Early Release Wednesdays, we request emergency change notifications prior to 2:00pm as school releases out at 2:55pm. 


    Parents may request other adults to pick up their children if the school has on file written authorization and/or the name and address is listed on the verification sheet as an emergency contact person.


    When a child is going home with another student, a written note or phone call must be received from one and/or both students’ parents. This way we can confirm that both families know that a child is visiting.


    Kindergarten students must have someone at the bus stop to meet them unless there is an older child with them on the bus. Otherwise, the bus driver will not let them off the bus. 


    In order to accommodate the bus schedule, and for the safety of our students, we ask that parents/guardians do not enter the bus area during morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up. We ask all who are picking up students to safely park on the side roads surrounding Sandy Grade. Please do not park in the yellow painted areas. If you are escorting your student to your car, please use our cross walk in order to ensure the safety of all.


  • If it happens that you move into a different school boundary area, either in this district or another, please notify the school office prior to your moving to allow for the preparation of the withdrawal. This will make the transition as smooth as possible for your child.

  • We ask if at all possible, please schedule appointments for your students before or after school. It is disruptive to instructional time to leave before the school day is over, as closing is a very important part of the school day. Early check-outs are for excused absences. If it is necessary to leave early there must be written permission from home, or the student must be picked up by the parent / guardian. Parents should come to the office and complete the sign-out sheet with the date and time the student is leaving. The child will be called from class to meet the parent in the office. 


    No student may sign-out sick or leave school unless the office has had communication with the parent or guardian. If the parent is not home, the student will rest at school until a parent or emergency contact person can be reached. Students will not be allowed to leave campus unless they are with a parent / guardian. If your child is to go home with another child, the office will need a note from both you and the other parent or guardian. When exceptions arise (i.e. someone is picking up your child other than an authorized person listed on the registration form), YOU MUST SEND A NOTE or CALL THE OFFICE. If you wish to pick up your child during the school day, stop by the office to sign them out. Remember, ALL visitors need to sign in at the office and get a visitor pass.

  • It is essential to keep current phone numbers on file with the office. This responsibility rests with the parents / guardians of each child. It is essential to have accurate and updated information if a child becomes seriously ill or receives an injury requiring medical attention. 


    We must have a phone number in which we can get a hold of a parent. If these numbers change for any reason throughout the school year, please let us know immediately.


  • All returning students must have on file a CURRENT Verification Form. Please complete this registration online at as quickly as possible. School records are updated on a yearly basis from this registration. During the school year, please keep the office informed of any changes which occur that would affect the accuracy of this information.

  • New Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 1st of the school year in which they are enrolling. Children with birthdays from September 1st - October 1st may qualify for early entry if testing and observations rank the child at 98% or above in skill levels. Early Entry applications can be obtained at the district office. 


    All Kindergarten students must have complete registration, proof of residency, birth certificate, and up-to-date immunization records prior to the start of school. No exceptions will be made. 


  • Any student attending Sandy Grade School must reside within the legal attendance boundary or receive permission (approved variance) to attend from the Oregon Trail School District. This permission must be obtained yearly.

  • If an emergency arises during the day, parents should phone the office before 3:00 pm to assure delivery of a message. Due to a shortage of office staff, messages received after 3:00 pm may not be delivered.

  • The school phones are for school business. Students will be permitted to use the office phone only if they have an emergency. Classes will not be interrupted for phone messages from parents. Messages will be delivered to students the last 30 minutes of each day. Please make all arrangements prior to school time with your child.

  • Breakfast and lunch are free to all Sandy Grade students and are served in the Cafeteria from 8:45 am-9:00 am. 

    To create an account for meals, please visit Questions regarding meals may be directed to the Nutrition Services office at 503-668-3377.

  • No pets are allowed at school without permission. Teachers may give special permission for pets to be brought to school for a display or demonstration. Under no circumstances is a potentially dangerous pet to be brought to school.

  • Students will be expected to pay for all damages or loss of textbooks, library books, desks, chromebooks, room equipment, etc. Fines must be paid prior to the end of the school year. Textbooks and library books will be charged out at current replacement costs. Opportunity shall be provided to work out fees, breakages, fines, etc.for students who have financial difficulties.

  • In case of a fire or other emergency, the signal to evacuate the building will be a continuous sounding of the emergency alarm or bell. There will be an evacuation plan posted in each classroom. Each teacher will instruct students regarding specific procedures. In case of emergency where students are not to evacuate the building, students and teachers will be notified and teachers will proceed with a preset building procedure.

  • In case of poor weather or other emergencies, the school may be closed. On such days information will be broadcast over local radio and television stations as well as our District Website, FlashAlert, ParentSquare and school phone system. Please stay tuned for information.

  • It may be necessary because of severe weather or other emergencies to send children home from school early. In such cases, the following policies will be followed: 


    1. If an emergency (flood, snow, wind, earthquake, etc.) should strike suddenly, the matter of departure of your children from school will be decided by the Superintendent of Schools. This decision may be to send your children home immediately, or it may be to keep them in school indefinitely under continued supervision until the emergency has passed. Whatever the decision is, the safety and best interest of your children will be the deciding factor. (Typically elementary students will be retained at school and rarely released early). 


    2. In case of any emergency, please tune your radio to station 98.7 KUPL The Bull, 103.3 KKCU K103, or 106.7 KLTH The Eagle for information concerning the release of your children from school. A battery-operated transistor radio is helpful in case of the loss of electricity. 


    3. If the decision is made to hold the students in their buildings, they may be picked up at the school by checking them out from the office. Students will only be released to those contacts authorized on your student’s emergency contact list. If a loss of power occurs, you will not be able to contact the school by telephone.


  • If roads are icy, or other dangerous conditions exist in the morning, please listen to your local radio station or TV channels between the hours of 5:30am and 7:00am. Also information should be posted on the Oregon Trail School District website. Two things that you will need to be aware of: 

    1. School could be closed for the entire day. 

    2. School opening could be delayed TWO (2) hours. If this occurs, school will still end at the normal time. 


    Many times you cannot tell by looking out the window, whether the roads are dangerous for buses or cars to travel. If everyone calls the school, it clogs the phone lines so that even emergency information cannot get through. Please rely on your radio, TV, computer or ParentSquare to keep you informed of all necessary information.


  • Clothes normally removed (jackets, sweaters, hats and gloves) should be clearly marked with the student’s name. Any articles found in the school or on district grounds are put in the lost and found. The lost and found rack is located in the Breezeway. Smaller items are kept in the office. Each year, we have many items that are not claimed. Unclaimed items are donated to special agencies after winter break and after school is out. Please feel free to check the lost and found when you are on campus to recover any item(s) that belongs to your student. Loss or suspected theft of personal or district property should be reported to the school office.

  • The information contained below shall serve as the district’s annual notice to parents of minors and eligible students (if 18 years or older) of their rights, pertaining to educational records. Notice will also be provided to parents of minor students who have a primary or home language other than English. 


    Education records are those records related to a student maintained by the district. A student’s education records are confidential and protected from unauthorized inspection or use. All access and release of education records, with and without parent and eligible student notice and consent, will comply with all state and federal laws. 


    Personally identifiable information shall not be disclosed without a parent or eligible student authorization or as otherwise provided by Board policy and law. 


    Education records are maintained in a minimum one-hour fire safe. Permanent records shall include: 

    1. Full legal name of student; 

    2. Name and address of educational agency or institution; 

    3. Student birth date and place of birth; 

    4. Name of parent / guardian; 

    5. Date of entry into school; 

    6. Name of school previously attended; 

    7. Course of study and marks received; 

    8. Credits earned; 

    9. Attendance; 

    10. Date of withdrawal from school; 

    11. Other information, i.e., psychological test information, anecdotal records, records of conversations, discipline records, etc. 


    Memory aids and personal working notes of individual staff members are considered personal property and are not to be interpreted as part of the student’s education records, provided they are in the sole possession of the maker.


  • By law, both parents, whether married, separated or divorced, have access to the records of a student who is under 18 years of age unless the district is provided evidence that there is a court order, state statute or legally binding document relating to such matters as divorce, separation or custody that specifically revokes these rights.


    Parents of a minor, or an eligible student (if 18 years or older), may inspect and review education records during regular district hours.


  • The goal of our school health services is intended to help the student achieve his/her maximum physical, emotional, and social potential. There will be health screening of vision and hearing. Parents and students are contacted regarding any problems noted. 


    If a student has an accident or injury at school, it must be reported to the teacher in charge at the time it occurs.


  • State law addresses the dispensing of any form of medication by school personnel. Medication means any prescription or over-the-counter medication including but not limited to vitamins, food supplements, eye, ear and nose drops, inhalants, medicated ointments or lotions, aspirin, cough drops and antacids. For school personnel to administer any medication, the parent must provide a written request and the student’s physician must give written instructions if prescription (the prescription container on prescribed medication is sufficient). 


    All medications must be in the original container, with parent’s special instructions and physician’s instructions. All medications must be given to office staff by an adult for safekeeping. It is unlawful for students to transport medications of any kind. This includes medication such as cough drops, eye drops, nasal sprays, etc.


  • A student who becomes ill or injured at school must notify his/her teacher or another staff member as soon as possible. In the case of a serious illness or injury, the school shall attempt to notify parent / guardian according to information provided on emergency forms and submitted by parents to the school. It is critical parents update this information as soon as necessary. 


    If the student is too ill to remain in school, the student will be released to the student’s parents or to another person as directed by the parents on the student’s emergency contact list. 


    School staff may administer emergency or minor first aid if possible. The school will contact emergency medical personnel, if necessary, and will attempt to notify the student’s parents whenever the student has been transported for treatment.


  • A student must be fully immunized against certain diseases or must present a certificate or statement that, for medical or religious reasons, the student should not be immunized. Proof of immunization may be personal records from a licensed physician or public health clinic. Any student not in compliance with Oregon statutes and rules related to immunization may be excluded from school until such time as he/she has met immunization requirements. Parents will be notified of the reason for the exclusion.


    In accordance with the Oregon Department of Education Communicable Disease Control Measure - Guidelines for Exclusion, students will be excluded from school if they exhibit: 

    ● Fever greater than 100.3

    ● Vomiting; 

    ● Stiff neck or headache with fever; 

    ● Any rash with or without fever; 

    ● Unusual behavior change, such as irritability, lethargy, or somnolence; 

    ● Diarrhea (3 watery or loose stools in one day with or without fever); 

    ● Skin lesions that are “weepy” (fluid or pus-filled); 

    ● Colored drainage from eyes; 

    ● Brown/green drainage from nose with fever greater than 100.0

    ● Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath; serious, sustained cough 

    ● Unusual behavior change such as irritability, lethargy, or drowsiness 

    Students needing exclusion due to illness may wait in the health room, away from other students while waiting for transportation from school. Students may return to school when symptoms are resolved or with written permission from your doctor stating the student is not contagious. 

    Communicable Disease: In a school environment, communicable diseases can be easily transmitted from one individual to another. Effective control includes prevention, early recognition of symptoms, prompt diagnosis and adequate isolation and treatment. Within the Oregon Trail School District, neither the office staff nor the district nurse can make a diagnosis. Only a licensed health care provider can determine a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. After a student has been diagnosed by a licensed health care provider as having a communicable disease; Oregon Trail School District will follow the guidelines provided by the Oregon Department of Education regarding any student attendance and/or restrictions. A full list of these guidelines can be obtained from the school district nurse. 

    Many communicable illnesses, while common in children, may cause dangerous illnesses in others, so please call the office or the school nurse if your child has a communicable illness diagnosis. 


    How can parents help their kids stay healthy? 

    • Teach your child to wash his/her hands frequently using plenty of soap and warm water. Proper hand-washing should take about 20 seconds or the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.
    • Teach your child to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or their sleeve
    • Keep the child’s environment tobacco free
    • Try to minimize the time your child spends with other children who have a cough or cold symptoms 
    • Keep an annual well-child exam to follow changes in your child’s health
    • Keep all of your child’s immunizations up-to-date
    • Serve a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables
    • After your child is feeling better, clean all surfaces; wash the bedding and air out the room 
    • Keep surfaces like door knobs, phones, remote controls, toys, and keyboards clean
    • Always make sure to consult your doctor if you have any questions 




  • To help protect students, school property and to prevent disruption, school officials must be informed if any persons who are not members of the staff or student body are inside the building or on the grounds during school times. Visitors during a normal school day are expected to come to the office to sign in and pick up a visitor pass upon arriving on school campus. 


    Please contact the office for specific needs for the school to make arrangements. We ask that you coordinate your visit with both the classroom teacher and the building principal at least 24-hours in advance. For the protection of students and prevention of disruption, all visitors must register in the office and pick up a visitor's pass. All volunteers must complete our online application and background check for the 2024-2025 school year. Please allow 2-3 weeks for total processing time before volunteering.


    You can find all forms here:

  • Visitors will be asked to request entry to school through a video and doorbell system installed at Sandy Grade School. This allows the main school entrance to remain locked during school hours, keeping students and staff safe while controlling traffic in and out of the building. If we do not recognize you we may ask to see your I.D. to ensure the safety of our students.

  • Education succeeds best when there is a strong partnership between home and school. Partnerships grow through communication, so the district asks parents to: 

    1. Encourage their students to put a high priority on their education and to commit themselves to making the most of the educational opportunities the district provides. 

    2. Keep informed about school activities and issues. 

    3. Become a volunteer!

    4. Participate in Sandy Grade’s Site Council with its emphasis on instructional improvement.

    5. Encourage your child to attend school when health


  • Sandy Grade’s Site Council works on continuous school improvement and staff development. Parent representation on the council is encouraged. Please contact the school principal if you are interested.

  • Some parents enjoy celebrating with the child’s class on the occasion of a student’s birthday. Please contact your child’s teacher if you wish to bring birthday treats. All treats must be store bought.

  • Certain school regulations are necessary because of limited parking, dangerous traffic patterns and reckless driving habits of a few. School rules, courteous and preventive driving procedures and traffic laws must be followed when operating vehicles on or near school grounds. The speed limit is 20 MPH while in a school zone. No horses, skateboards, or skates will be allowed on the school grounds except for special occasions, and only with the permission of the principal.

  • A list of needed school supplies will be available on our website and in the office prior to the start of school. These lists are also available at local participating stores.

  • ParentVUE is a website that offers secure, private access to school and student information including grades, attendance and school contact details. With one ParentVUE account you can see information for all of your students. If a student is missing from your account, please check with your school office. 


    Your ParentVUE sign up information will require use of your name as it is listed in district records. If the information contains errors, please contact your school office. This can be changed after you activate your ParentVUE access.


  • In order to help foster open and consistent communication regarding your child’s academic progress, progress reports are sent home in a hard copy format at the end of each month. These are sent home with the students on the last Friday of the month in order to help keep parents up to date about missing work and how they have done on the previous assessments, assignments, or tasks. The first grade printouts that will be going home is in September. Please keep an eye out for when these come home as notice will also be provided in the Weekly Parent Updates and website. You can also keep up on student progress on ParentVue.


    Report cards are given at the end of each semester. In our end-of-year report card students do not receive a grade of “progressing” at the end of the year, they will either receive a “meets”, “exceeds” or “does not meet”. Additionally, students must be performing a full grade level above in a subject area in order to receive an “exceeding” mark.. 


    These higher standards will continue throughout your child’s education until graduation, and raising these standards now prepares them for the skills and concepts they need to graduate and be prepared for their future. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school. There is additional information on the Teaching and Learning page on the district website at 


    By keeping you informed of these practices and working together to support your child with the increased expectations, we are confident your child will find success throughout his/her school experience.



    At Sandy Grade, we know how busy schedules are after school.  That being said, if your child is consistently not completing work at school, we will ask that they take the work home to complete and bring it back the next day. 

    While we don’t have mandatory homework, we know what research says around reading for fun at home!  It helps build confidence, build vocabulary and become a stronger reader. We also know that practicing math facts also helps with their confidence in class to be able to complete simple problems with ease.  Below you can find a chart that outlines the number of minutes a child should read or be read to each night at the various grade levels. In addition, we have included a chart outlining the end of year expectations for students with math facts and fluency. 

    Reading Minutes Each Night 


    10 minutes - reading with student

    1st Grade 

    15 minutes - reading with student and independent

    2nd Grade 

    20 minutes - independent reading

    3rd Grade 

    30 minutes - independent reading

    4th/5th Grade 

    45 minutes - independent reading


    Math Fact Mastery 


    Count orally to 100 

    Write to 30

    Place value 1s, 10s 

    Add / Subtract facts from 0-10

    1st Grade 

    Count orally to 200 

    Write to 200 

    Place value 1s, 10s, 100s 

    Add / Subtract facts from 0-20

    2nd Grade 

    Place value 1s, 10s, 100s, 1000s 

    Add / Subtract double digits 

    Multiplication / Division facts with 0,1,2,5,10

    3rd Grade 

    Place value to 100,000 

    Multiplication / Division facts from 0-10

    4th Grade 

    Place value to millions 

    Multiplication / Division facts from 0-12

    5th Grade 

    Place value to billions 

    Multiplication / Division facts from 0-12


    We believe in each and every student here at Sandy Grade! 


  • Please understand our teachers need a 24-hour notice when requesting student homework. Please follow these guidelines: 

    1. Do not request assignments if absence is less than two (2) days. 

    2. Assignments will be in the front office at 2:00pm, the day after it is requested. 

    3. Please pick-up assignments that have been requested. Makeup work after an absence is a shared teacher / student / parent responsibility.

  • Teachers and administrators welcome the opportunity of becoming better acquainted with all parents. This can be accomplished through conferences, phone contacts, email and written notes. Teachers are available before and after school daily. Please call ahead of time to schedule an appointment with your student’s teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, we ask that you contact the teacher first and then the principal if it can not be resolved.

  • We will be hosting an Elementary Open House, the week before students return. This time is for you to find out which class your child will be in, to meet your child’s teacher, see the classroom, and drop off classroom supplies for the current school year. Staff members will host classroom presentations for parents on grade level expectations, curriculum used in the classroom, and ways that you can help support your child. Each grade level presentation will be occurring during the entire evening event so parents are able to attend all sessions even if they have students in another grade level. It is encouraged that younger siblings and/or students do not attend so parents/guardians can fully participate in the sessions. This session is vital in helping parents and students understand what the end of year target is for students at Sandy Grade School.

  • Sandy Grade will be holding conferences for all students in November. This is an opportunity for all families and students to meet with their child’s teacher in a 1:1 format. Your attendance at November conferences is greatly important as we strive to work side-by-side with you in supporting your students academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. Information and sign up times will be sent home with students during the early part of November.

  • Academic Reviews will be held shortly after the first semester when report cards come out. These meetings are for students not meeting or making adequate progress towards grade level standards and end of year expectations. 


    Academic Reviews will be an opportunity to touch base with the classroom teacher regarding the recent report card, academic growth and achievement, in addition to behavior for students that are of particular concern. These reviews are being scheduled by the classroom teacher and are only for students / families we are particularly concerned with. 


    However, if your child is meeting grade level expectations but you would still like a meeting, teachers will be available to meet. Teachers will be sending home a separate letter to families that are not required to attend Academic Reviews but offering an invitation to meet in person, email, or over the phone.


  • Oregon Trail School District has adopted HMH Into Reading by  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and STEMScopes for core instruction in the areas of reading and math.

  • Each student is assessed according to grade-level, district and state standards. Performance marks are determined by a combination of daily work, tests, classroom participation, and successful achievement of standards.

  • In the Sandy Grade Community, learning is a continuous process which occurs in a physically and emotionally safe environment. We are constantly striving to provide guidance and structure for Sandy Grade’s diverse learners in a positive and caring manner. Our staff is working tirelessly on meeting the emotional, educational, and social needs of each and every student. In and out of the classroom, our staff works collaboratively to provide students authentic and innovative learning opportunities while setting high behavioral and academic expectations. At the same time, we strive to establish positive relationships with all students. 


    The students are the pride of Sandy Grade and we are doing our best to support each and every one in order to maximize their greatest potential. Our shared focus is for all students, regardless of their ability level, to experience academic growth. We are excited to utilize the resources we have in order to monitor individual student progress throughout the school year. Interventions as well as enrichment opportunities are utilized to promote learning and maximize growth at all academic levels. 


    With this said, students at both the intermediate and primary level will get an additional 20 to 30 minutes of math and reading enrichment or intervention on top of their 90 minutes of on grade level math and integrated literacy they receive daily. The enrichment or intervention will be based on each student’s individual needs and academic level. Groupings of students are fluid and will be reviewed, assessed, and updated on a biweekly to monthly basis in order to be responsive to the individual’s needs. 


    Our focus at Sandy Grade is on the individual growth of every student. Our school-wide system provides the opportunity for students to flourish at every level whether the identified need be intervention or enrichment. In order to do this, we meet in a collaborative model, in which teams meet monthly and weekly during early release to analyze a variety of assessments to determine current student needs.


  • Students are expected to treat school technology with care. They may face school discipline if they do not follow district guidelines regarding technology use. Parents may face financial liability for intentional misuse by their students. 

    Students at Sandy Grade will have access to the Internet. Please note that: 

    ● Instruction using the Internet at school is for educational purposes only. 

    ● School technology limits, filters and strictly controls what Internet sites are available to students. 

    ● Students do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy when they use school technology. 


    If you do not want your student to have access to the Internet at school for educational purposes, please notify us in writing within 30 days. 


    Please note that restricting student access to the Internet may make it difficult for students to complete school assignments in a timely manner.


  • During the last week of school, we host a school-wide Awards Assembly. During the Awards Assembly we honor students for: Principal’s Choice, Bobcat Pride, Most Improved in reading and math, Outstanding performance in reading and math, Participation award for Music and PE.

  • Field trips may be scheduled for educational, cultural or other extracurricular purposes. All students are considered to be in school while participating in district-sponsored field trips. This means students are subject to the school’s student conduct rules, applicable Board Policy and such other rules as may be deemed appropriate by the field trip supervisor. Due to the need for supervision and schedule for field trips, no alternative travel arrangements will be permitted. All students attending the field trip are required to ride the bus with the group, and follow the itineraries and expectations of the teacher. Additional parental supervision may be requested on field trips; however, we are unable to allow siblings, friends, or other children who are not in the group going on a field trip to attend. A signed permission slip and liability form are required for students to go on a field trip. Students not submitting a signed permission slip by the assigned date will be given work and placed in an alternative classroom while the class is away. 


  • The library is to be used for studying, research and reading. Anyone violating the library rules may be refused library privileges. All materials in the school media center are centrally cataloged by author, title and subject.

  • Library books are purchased by the School District, Title I or by purchases through the Student Body Fund, and gifts. Students are responsible for all books taken home. If a book is damaged while checked out to a student, a charge adequate to cover the cost of repair or replacement will be charged. In the case of a lost book, the charge will be the cost of replacing the book.

  • Among the student rights and responsibilities are the following: 

    1. Civil rights – including the rights to equal educational opportunity and freedom from discrimination, the responsibility not to discriminate against others; 

    2. The right to attend free public schools, the responsibility to attend school regularly and to observe school rules essential for permitting others to learn at school; 

    3. The right to due process of law with respect to suspension, expulsion and decisions which the student believes injure his/her rights; 

    4. The right to free inquiry and expression, the responsibility to observe reasonable rules regarding these rights; 

    5. The right to assemble informally, the responsibility to not disrupt the orderly operation of the educational process, nor infringe upon the rights of others; 

    6. The right to privacy, which includes privacy in respect to the student’s education records; 

    7. The right to know the behavior standards expected and the responsibility to know the consequences of misbehavior. 

    Please review the Oregon Trail School District’s Student Rights and Responsibilities found online.


  • All pupils are to be supervised at all times by proper school personnel. This refers to extra-curricular events as well. Classified employees (bus drivers, custodians, secretaries, cooks, instructional aids, etc.) have certain supervisory responsibilities. Students are expected to comply with any reasonable request made by any adult employed by the district. For safety and liability reasons, students are not permitted to remain at school after dismissal without adult supervision or prior written approval. If a student does not have a note or adult supervision as soon as school is out, he/she will be put on the bus.

  • Safety is one of our district’s top priorities and to help safeguard our school community, we’ve taken an important step that I want to share with you. Our district is now using Speak up for Safety Alert, a tip reporting service that allows students, staff, and parents to submit safety concerns to our administration in several different ways: 

    1. Call or text: 971-529-0292

    2. Email:

    You and your child can easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism or any safety issue you're concerned about through Speak up for Safety Alert. Every tip Speak up for Safety Alert receives about our district is immediately logged in the system and our administration is notified so that they can investigate and take appropriate action. Tips may also be submitted anonymously if you prefer. Together, using Speak up for Safety Alert, we can make our district a safer place to work and learn! Thanks in advance for your support.

  • The district has authority and control over a student at school during the regular school day, at any school-related activity, regardless of time or location and while being transported in district-provided transportation. Students will be subject to discipline including detention, suspension, expulsion, loss of awards and honors and/or referral to law enforcement officials for the following, including but not limited to: 


    1. Bringing, possessing, concealing or using a weapon to or on school property or at an activity under the jurisdiction of the school or at an interscholastic activity administered by a voluntary organization approved by the State Board of Education under ORS 339.430; 

    2. Substance abuse or any possession, use, distribution or sale of tobacco, alcohol or unlawful drugs, including drug paraphernalia; 

    3. Assault or menacing of a district employee or another student. Menacing means by word or conduct the student intentionally attempts to place a district employee or another student in fear of imminent serious physical injury; 

    4. Use of threats, targeted lists, intimidation, harassment or coercion against any fellow student or district employee; 

    5. Willful damage or destruction of district property (vandalism); 

    6. Willful damage or destruction of private property on district premises or during district activities; 

    7. Open defiance of an adult’s authority; 

    8. Theft; 

    9. Use or display of profane or obscene language; 

    10. Violations of district transportation rules; 

    11. Hazing; 

    12. Sexual harassment; 

    13. Disruption of the school environment; 

    14. Persistent failure to comply with rules under the lawful directions of staff or district officials.

  • Sandy Grade School seeks to assure a climate in the school that is appropriate for learning and assures safety and welfare of students and personnel. All students in our school deserve the reasonable safeguard of due process in consideration of all matters affecting their school life; safety for all is of utmost importance. Careful attention must be given to procedures and methods whereby due process and consistency in discipline shall be assured for each student. 


    When possible and practical, students and parents shall be notified of the school and district rules and procedures by which schools are governed and the processes by which discipline may be involved. Students shall comply with the rules for government of schools, pursue the prescribed and agreed upon course of study, and submit to the authority of teachers and school officials. Each teacher has rules and consequences for his/her classroom. Students will be informed of these during the first days of school. If everyone remembers to treat others like they want to be treated, usually there are few problems. 


    Off-campus activities that violate the District’s Code of Conduct may also be the basis for discipline if they have the potential to disrupt or impact the safe and efficient operation of the school.


  • Sandy Grade School is a PBIS (positive behavior intervention and supports) school. The guiding principles of PBIS are to provide our students with clear and easy to understand expectations along with helping our students to learn effective conflict management strategies, to use consequences that match behavior, and to always treat the child with dignity and respect. 


    Consequences used for misbehavior include time-out (morning and lunch detention), and in-school suspension. Children receiving in-school suspension or detention will have their lunch in the office. 


    Students may be suspended from school depending on the severity of the discipline infraction. Examples of such behavior may include the following: fighting, defiance of authority, behavior contract violations, chronic rule violations, profanity, inappropriate sexual touching or talk, vandalism, drugs or alcohol, and bringing a dangerous object or weapon to school. Please be sure your child does not bring a pocket knife to school! Parents are notified if one of these situations occurs with your child. 


    Ultimately, the responsibility for appropriate behavior in the educational setting lies with the parent / guardian of the students. If a student cannot seem to adhere to school rules and continues to disrupt the learning of others or creates an unsafe environment, parents may be required to sit with the student in class or supervise the student during recess or lunch times. A parent / guardian may be required to remove the student from school. If the student is suspended, he/she may not re-enter school without a parent or parent designee contacting the school to assist in planning for improved behavior. If a student has been suspended, they may not participate in any school activity or any activity that occurs on school property, until the suspension is completed. Please refer to the district’s “Student Rights and Responsibilities” booklet for more detailed information.



    Level 1: Re-teaching 

    Re-teaching is done for a less serious offense in which a reminder, re-teaching of a rule, practice of appropriate behavior or a warning is sufficient. Level 1 involves no written documentation and is carried out by the adult observing the behavior. 

    Level 1 behaviors may include: 

    - Inattention 

    - Not following directions 

    - Being unprepared 

    - Talking out 

    - Running where inappropriate 

    - Playing unfairly 

    - Traveling outside of supervised area without permission 

    - Going into the building without permission 


    MINOR - If a Level 1 behavior continues after re-teaching and correction, a MINOR may be issued. The student receives a MINOR from an adult observing the behavior. The classroom teacher is notified of the MINOR and is responsible for sending the MINOR home and turning in a signed parent copy to the office. 

    Level 2: MAJOR 

    Serious behavior that endangers the health / safety of others or creates serious disruption of the learning environment results in the issuance of an office referral, which is completed by the adult observing the behavior. The principal will meet with the student, notify parents and determine consequences. 

    Level 2 behaviors may include: 

    - chronic Level 1 behavior (3 MINORS! within a semester) 

    - fighting 

    - defiance / insubordination 

    - harassment / teasing / taunting / bullying (same issue) 

    - abusive / inappropriate language 

    - vandalism / property damage 

    - forgery 

    - stealing 

    Level 3: MAJOR

    Level 3 behaviors include illegal acts as well as repeated or severe Level 2 behaviors. Level 3 behavior always results in an office MAJOR and possibly district or police involvement. 

    Level 3 behaviors may include: 

    - physical assault / intentional injury 

    - illegal substances 

    - arson 

    - bomb threats 

    - explosive or fire starting devices 

    - weapons 

    - racial or sexual harassment 

    Issuing Majors

    - A major is given any time a student demonstrates Level 2 or 3 behavior, and may be given for repeated Level 1 behaviors. 

    - The referring adult fills out the referral and turns it into the principal. 

    - The principal will meet with the student at the first opportunity and carry out the home contact and administering the consequence. 

    - The pink referral copy will be given to the classroom teacher to keep in his/her file. - The signed parent copy of the major will be returned to the office. 

    Bullying- Bullying is defined as a one-sided, repeated offense that intentionally makes someone else feel threatened, belittled, afraid, ashamed, left out, hurt, or in any other way upset.  It is defined by the victim and is not excused because the bully thinks that they were “just joking.”  School bullying includes all incidents that take place on or next to school grounds, at any district-sponsored activity, or on school transportation.

    Examples of bullying may include:

    • Physically hurting someone (pushing, hitting, tripping, etc.)
    • Spreading rumors about someone
    • Cyberbullying: Use of technology to bully others
    • Stealing or damaging another person’s things
    • Teasing someone in a hurtful way
    • Using put-downs, such as making fun of a person’s name, race, or gender
    • Leaving someone out on purpose or trying to get other students to not play with the individual.

    Staff at Sandy Grade will work to prevent bullying and create a safe environment by:

    • Supervising students while in school
    • Implementing the PBIS program
    • Watching for signs of bullying
    • Taking parents’ and students’ reports of bullying seriously
    • Assigning consequences for bullying as listed below.

    Students at our school will work to prevent bullying and create a safe environment by:

    • Using Kelso’s Wheel for conflict resolution
    • Treating each other with respect
    • Refusing to bully others
    • Refusing to let others be bullied
    • Refusing to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied
    • Trying to include everyone in activities, especially those who are often left out
    • Reporting all bullying to a counselor or administrator.  This can be done anonymously using a bully report form.  Note: Any student who makes a false report of bullying will be subject to disciplinary action.

    All bullying will result in a parent contact and appropriate consequences based on the severity of the bullying.  Retaliation is unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action.  The following disciplinary actions may be taken when a student bullies:

    • Review Anti-Bullying practices with counselor and/or administrator
    • Complete and return a letter of apology
    • Write a paper on bullying and its consequences
    • Complete an Anti-Bullying Contract with clear consequences with the administrator
    • In School Suspension ½ day up to 5 days
    • Out of School Suspension

    Currently Sandy Grade students are allowed to carry a cell phone to and from school, but it must be turned off and given to the teacher, or kept in your child’s backpack.  Cell phones become a distraction and are not needed during class.  If there is an emergency we will contact you.  If you need to contact your child, please do not text or call them.  Call the office and we will send them the message.  Please review the following with your child:


    1. Only carry a cellphone to school if it is needed for safety reasons getting to and from home and the bust stop.
    2. The bus ride is considered part of the school day, so phones should be in back packs and not used on the bus. 
    3. Phones should not be shared between friends and classmates. The only person who should have the cell phone in their possession is the person it belongs to. 
    4. Cell phones may not be used for taking pictures as we have students with a “no photo” restriction. 

    PLEASE NOTE**If students have their cell phones at recess or in the classroom the staff member who finds it will bring it up to the office for the parent to come and pick it up.

  • At Sandy Grade School we use a very successful program to encourage appropriate behavior on the playground. Students are taught the playground rules and rules of the school. When students are engaged in inappropriate behavior they are placed in a time-out area and have a discussion with the playground supervisor about the rule or safety issues they broke. Our playground rules are designed to provide a safe, active and fun environment for your child. 


    We utilize our PBIS school-wide expectations; be safe, be responsible, be respectful and be positive to support students on the playground. A comprehensive set of expectations, specific to the playground equipment and playground activities, have been developed. The playground policies are covered by classroom teachers as well as building administration. 


  • Dress and grooming are the responsibility of the student and parent or guardians as long as they do not interfere with or disrupt the learning environment or create a safety concern. Shoes and shirts are required. Open toed shoes or flip flops are not permitted. Shirts that show midriffs and shorts / skirts that are shorter than fingertips with student’s arms at their sides are also not permitted. Shirts with spaghetti straps will not be allowed. Shoes with “heelies” are not allowed. Parents may be called to bring an alternative garment of clothing or shoes if they are a safety issue or cause a distraction to the learning environment. Hats are also not allowed at Sandy Grade but may be worn outside during recess times. 


  • It is state law that all people 14 years old and under are to wear a bike helmet while riding a bicycle. If your child did not wear a helmet to school he/she may be asked not to leave campus on the bike and another form of transportation home will need to be arranged. If your child rides his/her bike to school, they must bring a lock to secure their bike. Please remind your child to walk their bike when on the sidewalk. There is a bike pad on the West side of the building for students to use. The school is not responsible for loss or damage.

  • A student’s conduct in assemblies must meet the same standard as in the classroom. A student who does not meet these expectations during an assembly shall be subject to disciplinary action. 


    An assembly to honor various student achievements will be held monthly.


  • At Sandy Grade we strive to support all students and staff by teaching and promoting positive behavior school-wide. We have four rules, which are reinforced daily and in all areas of the school: 

    · BE SAFE 



    · BE KIND 

    Sandy Grade students will participate in various activities which teach behavior expectations in all areas of our school. These lessons are focused on expected behaviors ranging from what it means to be prepared for class to how students conduct themselves on the playground. 

    PBIS is a school-wide system used to teach our students positive, personal and social skills. We feel that school-wide expectations will help to maximize academic achievement and behavioral competence. Sandy Grade’s PBIS team has identified school-wide expectations and created lessons to teach students exactly what these expectations are. The entire staff at Sandy Grade will continue to work together to teach these lessons and help recognize students for meeting the behavioral expectations. As a result, Sandy Grade’s staff and students have built a school environment where all students are not only safe but also have acquired the life skills to succeed and grow. 

    As the school year progresses, we will be looking at our data to target specific needs and to create new ways to reinforce our expectations. Our PBIS program allows us the opportunity to teach school-wide behavioral reinforcement or character building lessons up to three times per month. 

    We look forward to another great year. The next time you are on campus look around to notice the safe, respectful and responsible Sandy Grade students. They are everywhere! 


  • Over the last several years we have given PAWS awards to students whom staff members observe following our school-wide rules. These rules are Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Kind. We teach and expand on these rules for all areas of the school during our first week back and again after Winter and Spring break. PAWS awards are a form of “caught you being good” rewarding. PAWS is a combination of two words, positively awesome. PAWS awards have been well-received by staff and students alike. In fact, staff gave out a record number of PAWS awards last year. We have a PAWS store where students may purchase small items using their PAWS awards. We also honor two students from each room each month at an assembly at which students spin the “Wheel of PAWS” and receive a prize. 


    In addition to recognition of appropriate behavior at school, we also have in place a discipline program. We feel it is important to explain to parents the entire program. What follows is a summary.



  • The school district provides bus transportation for students when the bus route is approved. Rules are posted in each bus and students are responsible for knowing them. Safety is of prime importance. We ask parents to discuss good conduct with their children. Students who do not obey the driver or ride properly may be refused the right to ride. OTSD contracts with Student Transportation of America (STA) to provide this service. The school and district recognize the Oregon Administrative Rules for bus transportation (OAR 53-010). All school rules also apply to the bus, as bus transportation is an extension of the classroom. Violators of bus rules are issued bus citations, which must be signed and returned by the parent.


    In general, student transportation is considered an extension of the school day and all in-school behavior expectations apply. On the bus, students are expected to… 

    Be Safe:

    • Keep your body and all objects inside the bus and to yourself
    • Remain seated while the bus is in motion
    • Refrain from touching bus operating and emergency equipment
    • Leave all weapons at home
    • Cross in front of the bus as instructed by the drive


    Prior to loading: 

    Be Respectful: 

    ● Follow driver direction quickly and completely

    ● Be respectful to everyone on the bus

    ● Speak quietly to people near you

    ● Keep your body and objects from touching others

    ● Keep all of your belongings on you lap or on the floor in front of you

    ● Get permission to open a window

    ● Stay off private property at or near designated bus stops


    Be Responsible: 

    ● Keep the bus clean

    ● Use all area of the bus appropriately

    ● Arrive at the bus on time

    ● Never bring alcohol, tobacco, medications or other illegal drugs on the bus 

    ● Get permission prior to bringing unusual objects on the bus

    ● Use emergency exits only in an emergency


    Students need to be at their designated bus stop 5 minutes prior to their pick up time. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching the bus. 


    After exiting the bus:

    • Cross the road only when needed and at least 10 feet in FRONT of the bus
    • Be alert to any danger signals from the driver


    Afternoon departure: 

    • Do not approach the bus once it begins to depart. The bus cannot stop for safety reasons. 


    Objects on the bus:

    Only objects that can be held comfortably on the student’s lap or on the floor between the student’s feet may be transported on home to school route buses. Alternative arrangements will be needed to transport items such as tubas and skis. 

    Extra-Curricular trips: 

     All bus rules and school regulations apply to any trip under school sponsorship;  Students must follow the directions of student chaperones as well as drivers and school staff;


    Students who do not follow the bus behavior expectations will be addressed following the Response to Misconduct on the Bus process. 



    Level 1 

    Level 2 

    Level 3


    ● Defiance of the bus driver; ● Wrestling of boisterous 


    ● Late for bus; 

    ● Not seated while bus in 


    ● Failing to cross in front of bus or as instructed; 

    ● Extending hands, arms or head through window; 

    ● Conversing in loud tone; 

    ● Opening/closing window 

    without permission; 

    ● Inappropriate displays of 


    ● Failing to keep bus clean; 

    ● Being discourteous to driver, or others; 

    ● Failing to promptly follow 

    adult directions; 

    ● Disrespectful statements; 

    ● Too close to bus while bus is in motion; 

    ● Possession of unauthorized objects on the bus.


    ● Defiance to redirection of Level 1 activities; 

    ● Moving emergency door 

    handle without authorization; ● Bringing an animal on the bus; 

    ● Refusing to sit in assigned seat; 

    ● Using vulgar language; 

    ● Damaging the bus; 

    ● Throwing objects on the bus; ● Threats or physical harm to driver or others; 

    *Based upon student actions, Level 1 activities may be 

      moved directly to Level   2 at the discretion of school staff.


    ● Defiance to redirection of Level 2 activities; 

    ● Fighting; 

    ● Opening the emergency door while bus is 


    ● Exiting without 


    ● Possession of firearms, weapons or other 


    ● Throwing object out of the bus; 

    *Based upon student actions, Level 2 activities may be moved directly to Level 3 at the discretion of school 




    ● Driver will specifically and 

    respectfully address the 

    behavior directly to the 

    student and redirect to 

    acceptable behavior. 

    ● No communication or report is required to parents or school staff.


    ● Driver will specifically and 

    respectfully address the 


    ● Driver will complete a Level 2 referral form at the end of the route and deliver or transmit to school staff the same day; 

    ● School staff will assign 

    consequence according to 

    school/district policy ranging from assigned seating or up to 5 day bus suspension. 

    ● School staff will notify parent and transportation office of 



    ● Driver will specifically and respectfully address the 


    ● Driver will complete a Level 3 referral form and deliver or transmit to school staff as 

    soon as possible; 

    ● School staff will assign 

    consequence according to school/district policy ranging from assigned seating or up to suspension from bus for the remainder of school year. 

    ● School staff will notify the parent and transportation office of the outcome.


    Critical Behavior presenting an immediate safety concern for students or drivers will be responded to more acutely as follows: 

    ● Immediate contact from driver to dispatch via bus radio; 

    ● Dispatch to contact school staff or police as needed; 

    ● School staff or police to respond to bus location as needed; 

    ● Dispatch to notify the driver of the pending response. 

    For the safety of all our students, please be aware that bus transportation may be videotaped. The contact number for Student Transportation of America (STA) is 503-668-8855. 


  • Local social service agencies, the county and city police departments, and the judicial system are now involved in improving student attendance. Research shows that attendance is the single most important factor in school success. Students who have poor attendance frequently fall behind and become discouraged. This leads to further absences and a downward spiral develops. Learning builds day by day and a student who misses a day of school misses a day of learning. 


    The Oregon Department of Education has established 92% attendance as the MINIMUM acceptable level. With an average school year of 176 days, this means a student may not miss more than 14 days and still meet the MINIMUM standard. ODE has further defined strong attendance as 94% - 95.9% (missing 8 -11 days) and exceptional attendance as 96% or higher (missing 7 days or less). It is hoped that most students will miss less than 7 days during the school year. 


    Oregon law requires that all children and young people between the ages of seven and eighteen years of age regularly attend a full-time public school if they have not completed the 12th grade (ORS 39.010). The law further requires persons having control of such minors to send him or her to school. Students missing more than 10% of the regularly scheduled school days may be retained, repeat a course or be denied credit unless the student can demonstrate mastery of the academic content standards. 


    Efforts will be made by school officials to enforce the compulsory attendance laws for the state. However, compliance with these laws is a mutual responsibility of home and school. Students are expected to be punctual in arriving at school, reporting to classes and attending regularly. The school principal or designee will notify parents of irregular attendance or habitual tardiness. One fundamental reason for insisting on punctual, regular school attendance is to help each student develop habits of responsibility that will help him or her function well in society and succeed in the world of work. The school shall make every effort to provide a meaningful experience for the student and to encourage the full individual development of each student. Regular attendance is necessary if the school is to successfully reach this goal. Students may not attend any school district function or be on the school premises when they have been absent from school (except when cleared through their building administrator). 


    The overall goal of the attendance initiative is to support parents and students to improve attendance. When a student demonstrates irregular attendance, the school will contact the parent to offer assistance to address any problems that are preventing regular attendance. This contact will come in the form of telephone calls and/or letters. If attendance does not improve, a home visit will occur to review the causes for the irregular attendance and to develop an agreement to improve attendance. If all efforts fail to improve attendance, a citation will be issued. 


    If your child has a chronic health condition that necessitates missing an excessive amount of school, it is essential that you communicate closely with the school. If your student will miss 10 or more consecutive 9 days due to illness, a home tutor can be assigned if a doctor’s prescription is provided. If your student misses an excessive amount of school due to illness, it may be necessary to provide a doctor’s note in order for absences to continue to be excused. 


    For an absence to be excused due to illness or a family emergency, please call the school the day your child is absent. If a phone call is not possible, please send a note the day your child returns to school. If the school does not receive a phone call the day your child is absent or a note the day your child returns, the absence will be considered unexcused. 


    When an absence occurs, students need to bring a written note/Phone call to the office containing the following information: 






    We take great pride in providing a top quality education for your students. We appreciate your assistance in ensuring your student maintains regular attendance. If you have any questions, please contact your building principal.


  • Part of maintaining regular attendance ensures having your student at school on time. Our school day starts at 8:45 am so students need to be through our front doors and in their classroom by the time the 9:05 bell rings. Anyone not in the classroom will be considered tardy. 


    Please make every effort to have your child here on time. Tardies are a significant disruption to the learning environment for both your child and others. We have quarter incentives in which students are rewarded for strong attendance and chronic tardiness will impede your child’s participation in these events.


Questions?  Call us anytime! 503-668-8065